
I'm the League chatbot

The LEAGUE project has received funding by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) (2021-2027) under Grant Agreement 101049294 Terms of Use - Privacy Policy
Hi, my name is League! I am here to aid you with any information regarding the topic of online exploitation or abuse. You can type a question regarding the topics of Cyberbullying, Online Grooming, Sexting and Online Safety and I will try my best to answer your questions! In addition, you can also ask me questions about various Terms or Technical topics, regarding the previous categories.

Notice: There is also an Available Topics button at the left-bottom side of my interface. In case you do not want to chat with me, or if you encounter any difficulty during our communication, you can select that button and I will provide you with all the supported categories and questions that you can be informed about!
How can I help you?